YAMspace for Musicians

YAMspace offers a range of essentials for young audiences music musicians
11 May, 2017

Whether experienced or novice, YAMspace offers a series of videos and articles for young audiences musicians with information about and introductions to young audiences music.

Here you can find an overview of where you can find what is useful to musicians on YAMspace.

Introduction to children as an audience and the school concert setting

Since the concert does not need to serve a theme, generate sales or teach a non-musical agenda - it becomes a platform for free artistic expression.

Read more about children as an audience - what to expect from commercial young audiences concert versus a school concert etc. here

The role of the producer

In many of the European countries, YAM organisations make use of a producer who assist the musicians who have been selected for touring in the  organisation to do what they do best, and reach the audience in the best way possible.

Want to know more about what goes on in a producing session? Check out the video documentaries You need trust! and YAM producer's forum 2014: Kraja

Touring abroad

Want to tour abroad? Here you can find all relevant information about deadlines and quality criteria for different YAM organisations in the YAM network.

Want to know more about how YAM organisations assess quality in a YAM production? Read the article here.