YAM (Young Audiences Music) is an international platform for everyone working to bring live music to children and youth. The platform aims to provide professionals with access to information that will enable them to better serve young people across the globe. It is a place for people to connect, to ask questions and to discuss so that together we may build the future of music for young people. YAM is brought to you by JMI (Jeunesses Musicales International), the world's largest network of non-profit organisations working to enable youth to develop through music across all borders.
JMI is the world’s largest network of youth and music organisations with members in over 70 countries carrying out 40,000+ activities annually, outreaching more than 6 million young people. Founded in Brussels (Belgium) in 1945, JMI works tirelessly to enable young people to develop through music across all boundaries. JMI’s activities are built upon the principals of access to music for all, development through music education (formal/non-formal/informal) and increasing active participation in society through music.
“ We believe access to culture is a human right and that it is our duty as music professionals and global citizens to ensure that this becomes a reality for all young audiences - Jessie Westenholz (JMI President)
The Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMawards) honors creativity and innovation in the field of musical productions for young audiences, from all corners of the world, created by professional ensembles of all forms, from solo artist to orchestra.
The YAMawards aim to identify and support cutting-edge productions that inspire and engage young people giving them magic moments to keep for a lifetime. Music has a profound impact on young people and promotes intercultural dialogue and understanding.
Blackboard Music Project
YAM is part of the Blackboard Music Project (BbMP), an international development and exchange project aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of concerts for Young Audiences (YA) around Europe.
The project was launched in at YAMsession 2014 in Umeå, Sweden and ended with a blast at YAMsession 2016 in October in Larvik, Norway. In between, the ten project partners met at national showcases in Denmark, Finland, France and Belgium to experience different YA concerts and share ideas and inspiration.
A key component to the project is the sharing of best practices, training videos, interviews, work models, articles and much more, via this very website that was launched at YAMsession 2015.
The Blackboard Music Project partners are the following: Jeunesses Musicales International, Levende Musik i Skolen, Hrvatska glazbena mladež, Konserttikeskus, Jeugd en Muziek, Jeunesses Musicales de France, Jeunesses Musicales Macedonia, Jeunesses Musicales Sverige, Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles, Muzička omladina Beograda, Riksconsertene Norway.
The Blackboard Music Project is funded by EU’s Culture Programme, Creative Europe.
Supported by
Belgian Science Policy
Helping to progress towards the Barcelona objective, participating in job creation and well-being through innovation, optimising the running of the Belgian research area, fighting against climate change: such are the major stakes Belgium has to face. With its 2,800 employees, the Federal Science Policy department contributes significantly to meeting these objectives.
European Commission: Culture Programme
The cultural and creative sectors embody Europe’s immensely rich and diverse cultural heritage, and contribute to the development of our societies. These sectors play a big role in the European economy and help generate growth and jobs.