YAMsession has confirmed the presence of one of the leading researchers within the Music Education field to speak at YAMsession 2017 in Porto, Portugal, on 4-6 September. He is Professor David Hargreaves from The University of Roehampton, London, UK, and he will give a talk about "The Power of Music on Young People".
"I will consider how music affects our emotions, our thinking, our social behaviour and our physical development, looking in particular at 'communicative musicality' between babies and their caregivers. I will also look at the notion idea of 'musical identity' in teenage musical preferences, and at social aspects of creativity in musical improvisation"
Professor David Hargreaves is currently connected to the Applied Music Research Centre at the University of Roehampton, London, UK, and has previously held posts in Schools of Psychology and Music Education at several universities in and outside the UK. He was Editor of Psychology of Music 1989-96, Chair of the Research Commission of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) 1994-6, and is currently on the editorial boards of 10 journals in psychology, music and education. He has appeared on BBC TV and radio as a jazz pianist and composer, and is organist in his local village church. For a taste of David Hargreaves, check out his 2011 Tedx Warvick "Musical Fingerprints" here.
The second speaker will be Crispin Woodhead, Chief Executive of the world renowned British baroque orchestra,Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment based in London.
He will give the talk "Funding the future".
Crispin Woodhead has had an impressive and varied career in the fields of both music and education. He was an Organ Scholar at Pembroke College Oxford where he took a degree in modern languages. Later he became a junior lecturer and fellow in keyboard studies at the Royal Northern College of Music. He created and ran Phoenix Arts Management, representing international opera singers and conductors and was Head of Modern Languages at Rugby School. In 2010 Crispin was invited by former principal cellist of the OAE, Jonathan Cohen, to help set up and run Arcangelo. As General Manager Crispin was responsible for all operational aspects of the chamber orchestra. Crispin is also co-founder of MusicTeachers.co.uk,
which since its creation in 1998 has become the largest provider of support services to music teachers across the UK.
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