Musik i Tide Festival 2017 and the LMS Anniversary

​See the pictures from Musik i Tide Festival 2017 - a festive celebration of the LMS anniversary and school concerts in general.
10 Oct, 2017

7000 merry children in the streets, 300 KulturCrew and 200 guests from all over the country, 140 concerts, 130 musicians, 80 foreign visitors, 60 workshops and a lot more smiles and applauses than we could count. Three joyful festival days in Sønderborg, Southern Denmark from September 24th to 26th.

This year's Musik i Tide Festival was a great success resulting in a wealth of positive feedback in which a great atmosphere was underlined as the overall theme.

"I would like to return the praise to all who participated in the festival - from children and musicians to guests and crew. At LMS we so appreciate the opportunity the festival gives us to meet our musicians, teachers, municipality contacts and collaborators from in and outside Denmark. It's amazing being gathered, because we know we’re all in the same boat and fight for the same cause: to bring lots of great music to the children", says festival manager at LMS, Gitte Abildtrup.

Below a glimpse of the festival highlights:

KulturCrew (the Danish Students as Organisers) hosted the festival opening and the official celebration of the LMS 25th anniversary. On row 1: from left, the Mayor of Sønderborg along with Danish Minister of Culture and LMS Director, Ebbe Høyrup. 


The grand finale of the opening concert was a big medley in which avangarde electrojazz, dramatic classical string music and Mali folk music interfered with beatboxing, tango, blues, Danish folk music and classic percussion joined by 160 young singers - as an example of the width of genre that LMS embraces.

Lots of great music and happy children in and outside concert halls and music workshop in the streets of Søndeborg

Danish Tango Orkestret received standing ovations from the festival guests at their performance at the festive dinner on the 25th. They were one among the eights music groups that performed for LMS in the very first season back in 1992-1993 - and they still had it!

Photo credit to Christian Brandt