Students as Organisers takes in Sweden

KulturCrew, the Danish version of the "Students as Organisers" inititative spreads to Sweden
21 Jun, 2016

The Swedish young audience music organisation "Unga – Musik I Syd" has worked hard to incorporate KulturCrew, the Danish version of the Norwegian Students as Organisers initiative into schools in southern Sweden. This spring the idea was backed with financial and political support.

Through the international producer network and the Blackboard Music Project, Levende Musik i Skolen (LMS) has for years had good cooperation with the Swedish YAM organisations, including Unga - Musik i Syd.

During the LMS Musik i Tide festival 2015 in Billund, which formed part of the Blackboard Music Project, the Swedish Musik i Syd Producers had the opportunity to see KulturCrew from schools around Billund in action - 100 students from 5th to 9th grade worked hard behind and on stage to help the many musicians and guests at the three day festival introducing more than 30 concerts. Musik i Syd experienced what a wellfunctioning KulturCrew can really accomplish, and this experience added fuel to the effort of getting schools and students engaged back home. LMS has since then taken the trip to Malmö, Sweden on several occasions to share ideas and inspiration, and this spring the Swedish KulturCrew was ready to roll.

“Kultur Skåne” has approved approx. 10.000 euro for KulturCrew to be initiated in the Kultur Sydväst area in the southern most part of Sweden. YAM welcomes the spreading of this exciting initiative and hope that other YAM organisations or Producers will be inspired by the concept.

Similarly, we are looking forward to experiencing the Norwegian students in action as hosts at this year's YAMsession 2016 in Larvik.

Photo: Christian Brandt.