LMS Festival 2023

03 Oct, 2023
Holbæk, Denmark

For 3 magic days this grand music event will bring together participants from all parts of Denmark’s professional school concert community (musicians, organizers, speakers, school children audiences etc.) for an exciting program of concerts, talks, workshops, networking – and much more!

LMS presents 90 concerts for 6.000 school children (attending 2 concerts each), talks by Danish and international speakers, workshops and discussions for teachers and musicians

03 October 2023 - 18:27 08 October 2023

LMS Festival 2023 will take place in Holbæk on October 3rd to October 5th, 2023.

The festival will be held by Danish national competence center Levende Musik i Skolen (Live Music in Schools) with the Municipality of Holbæk and Koncertløftet as partners.

All contact persons and teachers from Levende Musik i Skolen's collaborative municipalities and schools, as well as industry professionals and musicians from in and outside Denmark are invited.

In the stands, you will also be able to find the core audience of the school concerts: students of all ages from Holbæk's schools as well as KulturCrew from all over the country. The aim is to present filled venues with lots and lots of engaged children and young people, allowing all festival visitors to get a realistic impression of the music groups' interaction with their audience.

In addition to a packed musical program of school concerts, the festival offers teacher courses, talks, family concerts and enjoyable meals where participants can share professional input and make new contacts.